Flood Insurance quote San Diego

Did you know that you might have other options for Flood Insurance in San Diego?

Rainy season is coming up!  When was the last time that you reviewed your flood insurance?   Is your home in a flood zone?  Keep in mind that flood insurance is not included with your homeowners insurance policy.  Flood insurance is a separate insurance policy.

Depending on your mortgage, you might be required to have a policy from National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP).    However, private flood insurance might be less expensive.   There are multiple private flood insurance carriers that offer competitive rates and we can help assist.

With flood insurance, you can customize and fine tune most of the coverages to your needs.  Such as your personal property coverage, loss of use coverage, other structures coverage, etc.

As always read the policy carefully before making a decision.  Give us a call at 619-299-6000 if you would like to see if you can save on your flood insurance in San Diego, California or would like to discuss.


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